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Bharathidasan University: The School has organized a total of 42 conferences, seminars, schools, workshops, training programs majority of them are on the topic Nonlinear Dynamics, orientation courses, UGC refresher courses at the state, national and international levels so far and has participated in several extension activities to school and college teachers and research scholars.
Harvard University: The Department's greatest resources are the people that fill its classrooms, labs, and offices, as well as state-of-the-art facilities and an outstanding onsite Research Library. For undergraduate concentrators, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers, Harvard features a complete range of opportunities to engage in world-class physics from theoretical to the experimental.
Indian Academic of Sciences: The Indian Academy of Sciences was founded and registered as a society in 1934 with the aim of promoting the progress and upholding the cause of science, in both pure and applied branches. It strives to meet its objectives through promotion of original research and dissemination of scientific knowledge to the community via meetings, discussions, seminars, symposia and publications.
University of Toronto: Undergraduate Program · Undergraduate Courses ... Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Physics · Experimental Particle ... News And Events · News · Events.
Institute of Physics(IOP): Physics is central to our society. The Institute of Physics aims to advance physics for the benefit of all.
CSIR-NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY: The National Physical Laboratory is the National Metrology Institute of india and a Premier Research Laboratory in the field of Physical Sciences.
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics: The Institute grew out of the Palit Research Laboratory in Physics of the University of Calcutta (CU). Professor M N Saha came back from Allahabad in 1938 to succeed Sir C V Raman in the Palit Chair of Physics.
Indian Institute of Astrophysics: The Indian Institute of Astrophysics is a premier institute devoted to research in astronomy, astrophysics and related physics.